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What Is The Problem with sync-eu.exe.bid

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Apparently, for the last several days, sync-eu.exe.bid intrudes in several of the different  browsers - Chrome, Firefox, even Brave, and presumably others. Malwarebytes blocks an outgoing message from it rather frequently when a browser is opened on my Windows 10 laptop. Since Malwarebytes is blocking it, it doesn't seem to present an actual hindrance, but certainly nobody would want it latent on their computer. Is it a cookie? What is the nature of it, or have you established that yet?  I still don't see a solution to it in your forums.

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Thanks for any information.

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Thanks, Aura

. . .

I appreciate the info, and, indeed, I no longer see the pop-up after updating the database. Obviously, Malwarebytes no longer considers it a problem. I must say, however, I would be interested in knowing just exactly what it is. As was easy to determine by simply tracing the port connection, for some reason, it wanted to communicate back to some - perhaps - data collection software connected to a Hetzner Online GmbH server and data collection company in Nuremberg, Germany. I don't guess that I necessarily view this as threatening, but I don't really need to be an involuntary pawn in the collection of data for Advertisers and Government Agencies.

. . .

It would be interesting to know what it's being used for.

. . .

Thanks again

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