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Hi nov1 :)

I don't think it's possible for it to happen, because one product will have the detection a few milliseconds before the other and therefore perform his action. There's no saying what would happen if that situation occured though. These are what I would call exceptional circumstances.

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Hey Aura, 

After giving it some thought on the matter, I'm thinking I may just use MBAM in real time, and then use my Kaspersky as an additional scanner when I need it. Do you think this could work out for me? Or of course just try the option we spoke about above and use them simultaneously. 

Not really sure what to do from here,




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Personally I would do the opposite. Whenever you are using an Antivirus and an Antimalware, it'll always be your Antivirus that will be your "main line of defense". You can use Kaspersky and Malwarebytes together in real-time. Malwarebytes is an Antimalware and was created to complement existing Antivirus products, so there's no problem in running it alongside an Antivirus on your system. I've used Kaspersky and Malwarebytes for years, and never once did I encounter the situation you mentionned above, so the chances of it happening to you are most likely close to null :)

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