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Editor Toolbar Bug

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Not sure how to reproduce this, but it has been happening the last couple of days at random times.

In the image below you can see how the toolbar appeared when I was replying to a thread, I wanted to add a link, but as you can see the link button is in the wrong place, and hovering over it you can see that its going to do a Subscript instead of a link


After I got the screen shot, the tool bar reverted back to what its supposed to be (on its own).  If I go out of the topic and back in sometimes the toolbar goes back to normal like below.


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The toolbar was radically different in the first screenshot.

Let me check if anyone was updating anything in the last two days -- we did just upgrade to version of the forum.

You mentioned you've seen this several times. When you saw the toolbar in the first screenshot, did you also experience lag overall on forum? Trying to see if there's a correlation between forums being down and what you saw.


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