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Malware  bytes

Component Package 1.0.50

Update Version 1.0.1163

Configuration web protection ON, Exploit Protection ON, Malware Protection ON, Ransomeware Protection ON


Lenovo X1 / 8GB RAM


Since updating to I've seen a dramatic performance decrease in all aspects - application launch, browser response, opening Windows Explorer. The previous version of Malwarebytes did not have this impact on performance. I am able to disable MBAM and performance returns to normal. Malware Bytes Service is consuming 238.9 MB RAM / 7.4 percent of memory

I performed the update after following "MBAM Clean Removal Process 2X"


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  • Root Admin

Please try the following. Let me know if that helps improve the performance.


1. Open a CMD Window as an Administrator on the target server and enter the following commands:


  • cd %windir%\system32\
  • lodctr /R
  • cd %windir%\sysWOW64\
  • lodctr /R


    Note: This should not affect performance on the machine. This command resyncs the counter values.


2. Open up Regedit and navigate to the following registry key:




3. Make sure that the value (if it exists) for the Disable Performance Counters is not 1.  If the entry does exist and the entry is 1, change it to 0 or delete that entry within the key.  ** PLEASE NOTE ** make sure you contact your system administrator before making changes to the registry, and make sure that you back it up before you delete it.


4. Restart the Windows Management service.


Note: After completing the Microsoft instructions, a reboot is required.



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