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Apologies for creating yet another post on this but all the ones I've read through don't seem to have resolved the problem.

Malwarebytes 3.0.5 is frequently detecting c:\windows\system32\csrss.exe as ransomware.

I know this file can potentially be infected but I can assure you that this is not the case.

I'm running the latest version of Windows 10, it is a clean build, and the laptop is barely used as my main laptop runs Linux.

I've also noticed that Malwarebytes 3.0.5 premium gets reverted back to Malware 3.0 basic and I have to reinsert my licence key and redownload updates.  I'm unsure if this occurs at the same time as the false positive detection but it always happens close to it. 

I can't exclude csrss.exe from being scanned by ransomware as Malwarebytes doesn't even see the file.


I don't have Java installed on this laptop (I read that as a potential solution in another recent post)


Hope this can get sorted soon.


Best Regards



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