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MWB - permanent https connection status "close_wait"

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I don't know if anybody else is having this issue...
OS: Windows 7 Ultimate 64-bit
Malwarebytes Version:
Component Package: 1.0.50

After booting into the OS and start of Malwarebytes, MbamService establishes a https connection which remains "forever" (until shutdown)
A connection upon startup is absolutely plausible, but sooner or later it should terminate that connection.
There is no reason to be permanent connected, right?

You might check it yourself...
Open the command prompt (with administrator privileges), type in "netstat -b" (without the quotes).
You should see at least one connection related to mbamservice with the protocol type, your local address, the remote address and the status.
Under status you might see "close_wait" which means what it says, it's in the process to close.
Well, on my machine that one connection never does close.
Same status remains for hours, actually, until I shut down my pc.
I can observe several additional mbamservice-connections from time to time while my machine is running, but they do terminate correctly.

Other than that, I haven't spotted any further issues so far with the release.

Thank You

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On 1.2.2017 at 8:33 PM, celee said:

Hi @Sig, are you still having issues?

If so, please reach out to our support team at https://support.malwarebytes.com/customer/portal/emails/new?b_id=6400&utm_source=forum and they can help you resolve this.

Thanks in advance for your patience.


Hello Cecile,

yes, still same behaviour.

Message sent in.

Thank you.

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I forgot to add... (couldn't edit the first post)

Also afflicted with a very noticeable slow start up / boot process since MB 3.0. Even had the irritating startup popup messages regarding protection etc, but that just wasn't a big deal to me and surely would be fixed with the next release, which it did. Regarding the slow start up I'm really curious if/how this will be resolved.

Compared to issues other users have, I guess these are rather "minor" problems, nonetheless still annoying.


Edited by Sig
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