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 I downloaded the update to 3.0 and finally got it installed. I had to use Task Manager to end the installation program the first time because it got stuck for over two hours. When I restarted the installation it worked fine and now 3.0 is installed on my laptop.

However, I am having an issue with exclusions. When I ran the scan for the first time it found 58 files that were PUP. All of them were for My Clean PC from US TechSupport. When I was running 2.0 I was able to exclude the program by going into my C drive and excluding the USTechSupport folder which included the folder and everything under it. I did the same thing with 3.0 but for some reason no matter how many times I add the folder as an exclusion MB30 still finds all 58 files. I have no idea how to keep it from finding them and trying to get me to quarantine them. If I quarantine them then MyCleanPC will be useless and I will have to redownload it and reinstall it so I can use it.

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