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I would love to have the old version back.  Using v 3.0.6 with Windows 10/64 on three machines, I am getting the following:

Large use of system resources (RAM), sometimes over 600 MB, bringing my PC to its knees with 16 GB of RAM.

Dashboard refuses to open from double-clicking icon in System Tray and from the Windows Start menu.  If/when it does open, it often comes up NOT RESPONDING

When dashboard does open, it takes a while after giving up trying to open it.  I just timed it now and it took almost THREE minutes before being able to browse Dashboard.

These problems continue after uninstalling it using the MWB cleaner tool.

Is version 2 still supported?



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I'm having exactly the same issue. It won't completely kill Chrome, but certain streaming webpages like Crunchyroll have double the CPU usage and viewing becomes so choppy it is impossible to stream. I suspect the issue may be related to Flash. When I test Netflix and Hulu, which do not have a Flash player, streaming is smooth. Crunchyroll still uses flash, and it is virtually impossible to use. If my suspicion is correct, any webpage you have that invokes flash impacts the performance of Chrome.

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