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Updated to 3.0 today and issues begun

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I have been running Malwarebyte before version 3.0 for years without a single issue.

Today my malwarebytes has been updated to 3.0.6 and I can't complete any scan, it will just stop at "scan file system" and showing currently scanning a file, and it doesn't change or move, it has

been like that for 10 hours, and I can't even cancel the scan. I have to restart the PC to get out of that.

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Hi, don't really have any help for you, sorry, but do want to ask you to make sure that you are running the latest version of Malwarebytes. I had the same problem as you (right down to trying to stop it after 10 hours, lol) when I was running 3.05 but after I uninstalled it and installed 3.06.1469 everything worked great.

One suggestion if you are running the latest version, if you installed over the previous version, as in, you did not uninstall it before you installed the new version, is that you uninstall what you have using their uninstall program and then install it again and see if that helps.

You can find the uninstall program at the link...


It says it is for version 2.1 but I believe it will work for 3.whatever too because I used it to remove 3.05 as I was not able to install 3.06 over 3.05

Good luck

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