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25 minutes ago, coding_worlds said:

Try going into settings and making sure that it is enabled by default.

I have tried to look for a setting about "multiple protection layers" but can find none that has any such name or similar. Im not even sure what it even is, but natually I want as much protection as possible so I always choose the "Turn On" button. How do I fix it so it is enabled permanently?

Edited by jayman1000
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6 minutes ago, jayman1000 said:
25 minutes ago, coding_worlds said:

Try going into settings and making sure that it is enabled by default.

I have tried to look for a setting about "multiple protection layers" but can find none that has any such name or similar. Im not even sure what it even is, but natually I want as much protection as possible so I always choose the "Turn On" button. How do I fix it so it is enabled permanently?


Edited by jayman1000
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