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I recently upgraded to V3.0.5. I now get pop-up notifications numerous times a session that a new version is available for download. Every time I click to download and install I get a message that I already have the latest version. That never happened in earlier versions. I unchecked the notifications on the taskbar option but I still get them. I want to be notified when an update is available but not constantly when it's not. I've gotten two pop-ups in the last ten minutes. I have the update settings set to check for updates every hour. How do I fix this? BTW I'm not a young tech savvy user. While I'm not a complete digital neophyte, I'm almost 70 so please don't drop a bunch of tech lingo on me that I probably won't understand. Thanks.

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How? I opened MWB. It says I'm up to date. There is a black box that says install update but nothing happens when I click it. Also when I get the pop-up and click to download and install it then tells me I already have the latest version installed. I'm using Win7. This is a screenshot of my monitor. You can see it says I'm up to date but still have the notice of an update available. When I click download and install the pop-up goes away and nothing happens.


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14 hours ago, dcollins said:

Before clicking the Download and install button, can you to Settings -> Protection and scroll down to Self Protection. Turn off self-protection and then click the orange install button for the update.

Thank you so much, that did the job. They could sure make the process a lot less cumbersome, more intuitive and user friendly. Thanks again.

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