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Product : MBAM Home Premium

Version :

Database : 2017.1.27.6

For the past several hours mbam.exe has been using around 35% of CPU time without actually doing anything that I can see.

I have tried Logout; Restart and Shutdown.  Every time I log back in mbam.exe continues taking up around 35% of CPU time.

Any thoughts or solutions to stop this behaviour would be appreciated.




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Update to Thread.

The problem described above is only relevant when the User is logged in with a Standard User Account.

If the User logs-in as an Administrator then MBAM behaves as normally expected.

Look forward to receiving some help with this issue.



Edited by Tabvla
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The problem persists.

For normal use I always login as a Standard User.  This means that I have to Exit MBAM and therefore have no protection from MBAM.

I would really appreciate it if on of the Malwarebytes staff could reply to my Post and suggest a solution.

Thank you.


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Hello @Tabvla:

Please begin here:

  1. Please try the following and reply if this corrects your issue: MBAM Clean Removal Process 2.x.
  2. If that does not correct the issue, then please read the following and individually attach the 3 requested logs in a reply to this thread: Diagnostic Logs.
  3. The 3 files, from Step 2, to be individually attached from your desktop are: CheckResults.txt, FRST.txt and Addition.txt. Please do not Copy and Paste them into a reply.

Note: The highest integrity download source for mbam-setup- is at https://downloads.malwarebytes.com/file/mbam_2x

Please update the status of your issue in a reply to this thread.

Thank You.

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Thank you for your advice.

As I am a "techy" and have been associated with computers for many years I am curious to know why MBAM, which has been working perfectly since the last major update, suddenly develops such an illogical problem for no apparent reason.

You will note from my second Post that the problem is only evident when logged in with a Standard Account (W10).  When logged in as an Administrator, MBAM works normally as expected.  That is really rather odd.  If you know why that might be the case I would be interested to learn something new today.



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No, cannot get MBAM to behave itself when logged in with a Standard Account.

Would it not be a simpler solution to upgrade to v3.xx....?

My problem with that is that based on recent postings on this Forum it would seem as if v3.xx is still very much a "work-in-progress".  I don't have an issue with that, all software needs to go through the "teething problems" stage after going live.  It is just that I depend on MBAM to keep me safe online (which it has always done), so I am hesitant to install v3.xx and then have to deal with Blue Screens, Black Screens or No Screens.  I am really not excited about having to rebuild this computer.

Then again, MBAM is not offering any protection now as I have to Exit the program when logged in with my Standard Account as I cannot have it constantly running the CPU at 35%.  Alternately I could login with my Administrator Account, but I really don't want to do that for a normal day's work.

Decisions..... decisions..... Life should be simpler than this....:wacko:


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