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 Hi :)

So Malwarebytes just popped up a message that a new version was available and if I wanted to begin installation now? I chose yes and then the setup program suggested a folder on my C: drive. However Malwarebytes is already installed on my E: drive, so I went through the folder hierarchy and chose that folder instead. Malwarebytes setup then mentioned that "that folder already exists, install anyway?". I chose yes and now the program has done installing. I hope I did the right thing, but to to be honest I felt it was not clear whether installing on top of old folder is ok or not? Can someone help confirm this or not? thanks.

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HI jayman :)

Malwarebytes simply overwrited the content of that folder with the files and folders needed for the new installation, so it should be fine. If you are encountering any problem with the new installation, in that case, uninstall Malwarebytes and reinstall it. That should do the trick.

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2 minutes ago, Aura said:

HI jayman :)

Malwarebytes simply overwrited the content of that folder with the files and folders needed for the new installation, so it should be fine. If you are encountering any problem with the new installation, in that case, uninstall Malwarebytes and reinstall it. That should do the trick.

Nice, thanks! so, just to be clear: installing over old folder is fine and recommended, right?

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This is what an upgrade does, it overwrites the program directory with the files and folders from the new version, so yes. For now, the upgrade process can not work for certain users, but for most of them (like myself), it'll work just fine. So unless you have a problem with Malwarebytes after the upgrade, you can continue to do so in the future.

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okay cool :) it just felt like a new installation process, not like an upgrade, what with the setup program choosing a non existing folder and , when I chose the existing folder,warning me that the folder already existed and asked if I wanted to continue anyway. ;)

Edited by jayman1000
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