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I think I have not got what I want. Firstly I have Malware Premium 3.0 on one Win 10 machine; this is used for general surfing etc so needs real time protection.

I also have another Win 10 machine that is used very rarely for surfing and only to very selected websites. So use the free MalwareBytes on that machine. Manually run the scan when I think I need to. Today opened MalwareBytes on that machine to see an update was available. Went to the download page and got "mb3-setup-consumer-" from under the column saying free; did not notice that, at the top were words saying Premium 3 trial

So I now have Premium 3 trial running!! How can I revert back to free MB 2.2 or what ever is the latest free version? SEarch for Free MB keeps leading to this trial page.


I take the wording leading to that page is designed to catch out people who only read free and not the following words i.e. it is only a free download not the free version." Malwarebytes 3.0 Free detects and removes malware and viruses your antivirus will miss. "



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Hi athegn :)

If you don't want to enable the free Premium trial (because that's what it is, a 14 days trial) in Malwarebytes 3.0, simply click on "Settings", then on "My Account" and click on the button to disable/deactivate the current trial, and it should revert back to Malwarebytes 3.0 Free.

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I've been a Premium user for a long time, so I haven't noticed how it is during Malwarebytes 3.0 installation, but when you install 2.x, you are given the option to activate the free Premium trial at the end of the installation. If you uncheck it, you'll get Malwarebytes 2.x Free, if you check it, it'll be Malwarebytes 2.x Premium for 14 days. I don't know if that option is still present at the end of Malwarebytes 3.0 installation. If it isn't, then Malwarebytes 3.0 Premium free Trial will be enabled by default, and you can disable it following the same steps you just did.

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