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Hi i had a customer who had installed management server and 30 clients reporting to the management server

Unfortunately the server crashed due to patching and they wanted to install in a different server with different ip and host name.

I have installed the management console in a different server. I have done a scan to identify the machines which is installed but how to make it report to the new management console from the managers.

Note : I know the the client settings to be changed but is it possible from management side.

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Yes it is possible, you'll need to perform a new push out to those clients to replace their connection information. This push is exactly like the very first install or client upgrade installs, you do it over the top of the existing deployment.

If you restored the crashed console server's SQL to this new server, there a few places you'll need to check to make sure the old connection info isn't still being sent out. Go to Start > All Programs > Malwarebytes Management Server > Server Configuration and re-input the server connection info. Then head over to C:\Program Files (x86)\Malwarebytes Management Server\PackageTemplate and open sccomm.xml and make sure the server info is correct there. Afterwards, perform your new push and the clients should start to check in.

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