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I've been having a really severe issue lately. When i installed malwarebytes along side avast it worked great for a bit. But then i started getting BSODs on Windows 10 with the stop code:

"BAD_POOL_HEADER" I've uninstalled malwarebytes and the BSODs have stopped. I dont know what is causing this and i'd like to get down to it. 


OS: Windows 10 Home x64 version Version 1607 (OS Build 14393.693

How I Encountered This:

I had just normally installed Avast and MalwareBytes together and after a while it started happening.

Same Results:

No matter how many times i do the outcome doesnt change.


For some reason the folder listed where MBAMService logs are located does not exist

Edit: It turns out there has been an update released that fixed some BSOD's with Windows 10 on the Insider Preview Builds. I'm a Windows Insider so i must have been running a preview build without me really knowing. I'll try the updated version now and see how it goes..



Edited by TechGuyAnthony
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Hi TechGuyAnthony :)

Since Malwarebytes 3.0.6 was released yesterday, can you uninstall 3.0.5, install 3.0.6 and see if your issue persists?

  • Addressed several crashes and blue screens, including the BSOD that could occur with Web Protection on Windows Insider Previews


Edit: Sorry, just saw your edit. Let us know if 3.0.6 works for you or not!

Edited by Aura
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25 minutes ago, Aura said:

Hi TechGuyAnthony :)

Since Malwarebytes 3.0.6 was released yesterday, can you uninstall 3.0.5, install 3.0.6 and see if your issue persists?


Edit: Sorry, just saw your edit. Let us know if 3.0.6 works for you or not!

Wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy ahead of you. I've already installed the lastest version and no crashes so far. :P

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21 hours ago, Aura said:

I'm still half-awake, so I read half the post before replying :P

Good to know that everything's good so far :) 

Been using the newest version of malwarebytes non-stop for the past about a day. No BSODs. I know its fine because one WOULD have happened by now if it was still occuring. I can officially say this is resolved!

Edited by TechGuyAnthony
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