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Hi. Windows 8.1 here. 

After I started my computer, a notification from mb came up, telling me that the rootkit something was disabled, and that it was a sign of root kit activity. It asked me if I wanted to restart and install the driver. I clicked yes, and the computer restarted. Now it's stuck in an automatic repair loop!! I can't even boot into safe mode!

The computer tells me that it could not start the computer correctly, and it just keeps preventing me from starting it at all.

I've tried changing the drive to bcdedit recoveryenabled no, and recently tried bootrec fixmb, bootrec rebuildcb and something else. I tried running chkdisk in the cmd prompt, but it didn't help. I also tried starting the computer without any usbs connected. I am completely stuck, thanks to malwarebytes! Please help me.

Edited by RuinedWare
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