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One of our PC's is infected with some sort of malware, so I downloaded and installed the latest version of MBAM. Did the trick where you change one letter of the installer program's name so as to fake out any malware in the system. Install went normally. Checked the box for the latest update and that seemed to install normally as well.

I selected "full scan" and hit the button. The program closed and I got the following error message:

"Windows cannot access the specific device, path, or file. You may not have the appropriate permissions to access the item."

Any subsequent attempts at running the program result in the same error message, without even opening the program.

It's running Windows XP SP3.

By the way, there is no separate administrator account on this machine that we can see.


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Since there is no feedback anymore, I assume this issue is resolved ... so, this Topic is closed.

If you need this topic reopened for continuations of existing problems, please request this by sending me a PM with the address of the thread. This applies only to the original topic starter.

Everyone else please begin a New Topic.

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