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we (www.magix.com/us/company/magix-portals/) are hosting tens of thousands of websites using the single IP for our partner Xara (www.xara-online.com/us/). We are now getting reports of innocent websites being blocked.
We take reports seriously and remove content but unfortunately some of our users seemed to have triggered a block.

Websites are accessible either using a custom domain or a subdomain of xara.hosting. After some tests it seems, only *.xara.hosting is blocked. Using a custom domain still works.
Some examples:
gwpriester.xara.hosting/buttons/index.htm (Malwarebytes more.png)
testfirma.xara.hosting (malwareBytes_testFirma.jpg)
kbvuhk.xara.hosting (malwareBytes_kbvuhk.jpg)

not blocked: www.taksiplot.com

Could you please increase the blocking domain level and block specific subdomains of xara.hosting instead of the whole domain.


Thank you.
If you have any further questions send me an email, please.

-David Schmidt
Magix Software GmbH
Berlin, Germany

Malwarebytes more.png



Edited by magix_xara
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Unfortunately, I can't reproduce this. We're not blocking the IP, hostname or parent (the only one we were blocking was verizimbramail.xara.hosting, due to its housing an Apple phish). I'll ask the QA team to take a look at this.

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