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Hi, I am working for an link shortening service called Geniuslink (https://www.geni.us) which provides our clients with the ability to create shortened links that automatically send their customers to the best destination to purchase their products or view their content. 

One of our larger clients reached out to me the other day, saying that their links were being blocked by Malwarebytes, and that Geniuslink had been blacklisted as a malicious site. Our site is only used to shorten and add custom rules to links, and we strictly monitor the links that are built to ensure that no one is using the service to create spam links. I reached out and spoke with one of the members on your Support team (Jacob), who told me I needed to post on this forum in order to get this resolved. 

Is there anyway we can get our Geniuslink domain (geni.us/) removed from this Blacklist, and potentially Whitelisted with your service?


Joe White -Mktg / Ops Manager - Geniuslink

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