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I regulauly played Cue Club snooker until lately - The only thing I can think that changed the way it plays is the fact that I installed a USB mouse -

I had always used the other type (multi pin) but as I needed a new mouse this was a quick option -

Now the game (and only this game) lags to the extent that I need to move the mouse 10 times up the mouse pad to move the height of the screen -

Could it be that a USB mouse can make this much difference to this one game -

Sorry to be a pain for this small problem (on your scale) but I would like to know if I should throw the USB mouse away so I can play -

Every other aspect of the computer is not affected -

It is the full version of the game not just a demo - :(

Thank you if I do get any answers -

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Greetings :( .

You should be able to adjust your mouse acceleration speed and that should help, either by doing so in the game's options (don't have the game so I can't check to see if it exists) or in Windows itself via the Control Panel. A nice tutorial from Microsoft on how to change the speed of your mouse pointer along with other mouse settings can be found here.

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Greetings :( .

You should be able to adjust your mouse acceleration speed and that should help, either by doing so in the game's options (don't have the game so I can't check to see if it exists) or in Windows itself via the Control Panel. A nice tutorial from Microsoft on how to change the speed of your mouse pointer along with other mouse settings can be found here.

Thank you for this very quick and (almost) helpful advice -

The mouse settings were upped to maximum but the game itself makes no difference - Still 'Laggs' very much -

I only mentioned the mouse as the 'Read me' text specifies a 100% M/soft compatable mouse and drivers -

That is the only thing changed since installing the game about 6 months ago - I fully installed the drivers with this new mouse but is there any chance that

being a USB mouse (rather than the other type) can make any difference to the operation of any (just this one) operation -

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