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Anti-Ransomware BETA popup issue


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1) When I respond to a pop-up saying Malwarebytes Anti-Ransomware BETA New Version Available, it installs a version apparently (currently but immediately pops up an identical notice when it is finished. If I click X the popup disappears it appears again by the next day. Is this the same problem as deebeard's above and if so do I also do this?

"Using the native Windows built-in zip utility, please create the following .zip (not .7z or .rar) archive file for MBARW developer team analysis:



2) Why don't the makers of Ransomware produce an identical looking popup which would install Ransomware instead? I usually like for this reason to install updates from the main website of the maker of the software, but i can't find where to check the newest Beta Malwarebytes Anti-Ransomware version and install it. Am I missing a location?

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Hello @IanGibson and :welcome:

Malwarebytes Anti-Ransomware (MBARW) Beta8 v0.9.17.661 is the most current version.  The latest version information for MBARW may be found at https://forums.malwarebytes.org/topic/187988-new-version-beta-8-now-available/.

Using the native Windows built-in zip utility, please create the following .zip (not .7z or .rar) archive container for MBARW developer team analysis:


Please attach the .zip archive to your next reply.

Then, please try a conventional Windows-based uninstall of MBARW Beta, followed by a system restart, and moving the setup executable to the desktop and install using "Run as administrator".  Follow the install with one more system restart.

Please reply to this topic with the results of the above.  Thank you for your patience and testing the MBARW Beta.

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