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Reinstall fails


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I installed MBARW few months ago, and all was ok before last monday: I updated a BIOS firmware of my laptop (Dell XPS 13) and after the first reboot, I got an error windows with "Your license failed to activate" message.Clicking on "Start protection" didn't produce any effect.
I've just tried to uninstall + reboot + reinstall MBARW, but same results. :unsure:
Any suggestion? :(

Thanks in advance for everyone who will help me!

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Hello @desp7 and :welcome:

Using the native Windows built-in zip utility, please create the following .zip (not .7z or .rar) archive container for MBARW developer team analysis:


Please attach the .zip archive to your next reply.  Thank you for testing the MBARW Beta.

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Hello desp7:

Thank you for the perfect archive file.  Using the Internet browser of your choice, on the W10x64 system in question, please browse to the following URL:


Please include in your next reply, exactly what was displayed by the browser.  Thank you again for testing the MBARW Beta8.

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Hello desp7:

Thank you for the perfect screen grab.  You have successfully managed to rule out much of what may cause your system's MBARW license activation issue.

Reinstall? Yes - All may be as it should be, but try the following MBARW Beta8 uninstall & reinstall procedure to guarantee proper ownerships and integrity:
  1. Delete any and all previous copies of MBARW_Setup.exe and perform a conventional Windows-based uninstall of Malwarebytes Anti-Ransomware version followed by a system restart to Windows 10 Normal boot mode.
  2. Then, download a fresh copy of the MBARW_Setup.exe to the system's Administrator desktop only.
  3. Right-click the saved MBARW_Setup.exe file icon and left-click RunAsAdmin.jpg  Run as administrator from the context menu and continue.  <===IMPORTANT!
  4. Upon a successful installation, restart the computer, in a conventional manner, to the Windows 10 Normal boot mode.
  5. See if MBARW Beta8's license activation has successfully completed and resolved the system's original issue.

When possible, please reply to this topic with your system's status.   Thank you again for your MBARW Beta8 testing contribution.

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Hi 1PW: I've just followed those steps and now everything is working fine!

Actually, in recent days I previously executed the same procedure, but wih no results: I think that the key is the third point: running the setup as administrator.

I want to thank you warmly for your time and your precise and careful consultancy. :)


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