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Component Package Version

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I installed Malwarebytes 3 then later uninstalled it and reinstalled it to see if it would fix a problem. On the first install I ran the Install Application Updates and it updated the Component Package Version from 1.0.39 to 1.0.40 (looking at the About screen). However, after I reinstalled Malwarebytes 3 and run the Install Application Updates it says there is no updates and the Component Package Version stays at 1.0.39 instead of updating to 1.0.40 like the first install did.

Did they maybe pull an update or what?


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11 minutes ago, Ried said:

Everything is fine John - we are at 1.0.40 - mine was a bit behind.  They had released it, then retracted it over the weekend. Not sure exactly when they put it back, but it is now 1.0.40

As of this posting I am at 1.0.39 And I manually just checked for updates.

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"There is nothing wrong with the standard updater, but there was an issue when checking for a new component package. Another release will be coming out shortly that will address the core issue so it doesn't happen in the future."

That's all I can tell you - I don't know when. Just rest assured that component package 1.0.39 is just fine - you're not missing anything if you're not at 1.0.40

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