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3.0 thoughts

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I upgraded to 3.0 a few days .. I have since downgraded to 2x

I had the issue of the protection off dialog kept popping up which I know there working on

and I noticed during a 3.0 scan cpu usage would be at 100% during scan which does not happen with 2x


I figure there going to push out a an update for 2x users eventually when the kinks are worked out


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Hi Angelus :)

The first issue is a known one and Malwarebytes is already working on a fix. 

  • Occasionally, after installing, the user will see a “protection layer is off” warning while the protection is being or has already been automatically turned on.


Same for the second one, though the high CPU and RAM usage should only be for the first scan, subsequent ones should take less resources.

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no AV installed at all. I uninstalled Microsoft Security essentials when I installed MB 3 because its supposed to work as a Antivirus also or so I read.. and it's Windows 7


I figure MB3 isn't  completely baked yet cause there not putting it on the update server yet like they have done for other versions

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