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Malwarebytes Ransomware Agent

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I don't have my ducks lined up on this but I would like to ask the question anyway concerning the Malwarebytes agent . Twice now I have seen false positives on program files. My concern is I could not get the file to release from the quarantine so I could restore in and then add it to the Exclusions list. The user was in a hurry so I uninstalled Malwarebytes Ransomware agent and restored the file from another PC. One of the 2 times listed above, Malwarebytes ask the user to reboot but I still couldn't get the quarantine to release the file so I could exclude it. I wondered if anyone else has experienced this? I was able to manually add and remove a file in the Exclusions list but this was not during a quarantined file condition.  


Thank you,


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Hi Mgard, often these detections are marked as Delete-on-Reboot (DOR), that restart needs to take place for the item to be restored. MBARW also supports inputting exclusion via command line if the file doesn't exist in the directory at the time of creating the exclusion.

Exclude a file:

assistant ––exclusions add c:\safe_executable.exe

Exclude a file (embedded space in folder name)

assistant ––x add “c:\work files\safe_executable.exe”

Delete all exclusions

assistant ––exclusions delete-all


Anti-Ransomware 0.9 Administrator Guide.pdf

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