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Stop Schedule Recover

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Hello MBAM Forum,

I am using MBAM Premium on Windows 7.  I have configured a scheduled custom scan to run at 1:30 a.m.  I have not ticked the Recover missed tasks option.  I hibernate my PC most nights before 1 a.m.  If I want to run a scan then I leave my PC on overnight.  This is the only scheduled scan that is configured.

However, on days that I do not leave the computer on overnight, when I wake the computer up in the morning it starts running my custom scan.  This is exactly what I was trying to avoid.  What am I doing wrong?

Thanks, Danv

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I completed  the clean removal and reinstall, and reconfigured my custom scan for 1:30 a.m.  The problem still exists.  MBAM Premium launches my custom scan every morning when I wake the computer from hibernation, despite the fact that the Recover missed tasks checkbox is not ticked.  How can I prevent this intrusive behavior?  If I want to run a scan, I will leave my computer on overnight.  That is the only time it should launch a scheduled scan.

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  • Root Admin

I'm sorry @Danv49

I don't have any current workaround for this. I'll report it to our QA Department for review and if they're able to duplicate this behavior they can work with the Development Team on a fix.

What is the Manufacturer, Make, and Model of your computer please?

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