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Hah thanks yeah its all malicious in the quarantine so clicking delete all will be safe and all and it should be permanently gone?

Yep :(. I normally leave things in quarantine for about a week to make sure everything is running normally. If there ever was a problem caused by one of the files that was quarantined, you would have a short list of files that was most likely causing the issue right there in quarantine. Once things have been running for about a week or so, then I delete all.

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  • Root Admin

Absolutely - While in the Quarantine folder they should pose no threat. They are there for recovery in case it was a False Positive and you need to get the file back. If all seems well after a few days and you don't want to have it in the Quarantine folder because your AV software keeps detecting it, then go ahead and remove it at that time.

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