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Varying AM and AE versions

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We currently have around 170 clients running MB client 1.7, on console  We are seeing variations in the versions of AM and AE across the clients and can't work out why.

(I've currently got this logged with support but it's taking time to resolve with a single email back and forth every day, so I wondered if checking here might help me resolve it quicker).

With AM we're seeing a split between versions and of 60/40.

AE however is all over the place with the current version split:  - 30% - 25% - 5% - 40%

Pushing a client install onto any client appears to revert them to back to the 1189 install and they don't seem to update from there (or at least the few i've tried it on in the last day or so haven't updated).  I've tried to set the policies to both internet updates and updates from the console but that doesn't seem to help and also doesn't explain why all the machines are different versions anyway.  I can see no patterns within the machines to explain why the versions are different across them all.

Any ideas would be much appreciated!


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Hi trevoralf, the console can only deploy the MBAE version contained within its particular package, from when that server install package was created. MBAE is what is "current" in the 1.7 console installer package when you do push installs but is our latest MBAE for over the air updating. Your MBAE versions will upgrade themselves if the autoupgrade Anti-Exploit setting is checked in your Policy \ Anti-Exploit options.

Make sure your network has the update URL whitelisted for this to happen:



Clients still being on Anti-Malware means they were never pushed to (or the push failed) after upgrading the console. Any client out there with an old Managed client version and Anti-Malware version will need a new push install to upgrade, only Anti-Exploit can auto-upgrade. This new push will reinstall the bundled older version of Anti-Exploit included with the console at the time of its creation, until the over the air upgrade takes place to bring your MBAE back to the latest. You can also choose to only push the Anti-Malware side by leaving Anti-Exploit unchecked during your push, thereby eliminate the downgrade/wait-for-update scenario with the Anti-Exploit portion.

Management Console -
Managed Client communicator - -> Must always match the console!
Anti-Malware -
Anti-Exploit - -> autoupgrades to since 11/15/16

client software versions.jpg

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Hi Dyllon,

Thanks for the update - I think the AE issue is now explained by an over-cautios AV setting on our firewall.  

However, I'm not seeing what you have suggested with the AM.  I've got around 90 machines on and around 120 machines on (plus a few others on older versions).

Pushing the client back onto the machines isn't upgrading them to as your post suggests should happen.

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Hmm, I'm gradually being driven mad by this.  

I've picked 20 PC's that are on AM  My understanding from your previous posts are that they need to have the AM client re-pushed to them to get them up to  However, I pushed this about 6 hours ago to the 20 test machines and they are all still showing as - some have been restarted multiple times but are still showing the old version in the console, although if i physically walk to them and look the icon on screen says

Given that some of the machines have been restarted multiple times over the space of 6 hours and are still showing as the old version what else might be required to get them to show in the console?  I'm now in a position where i've no idea which machines are up to date or not.

I did completely uninstall MB from one of them, reboot and then reinstall and that shows as straight away but that's going to make upgrading all the machines take twice as long as i was expecting...or have i missed something and you do have to uninstall the old version before you out the new one on?   Then again, the machines themselves are showing the new version so maybe not....:unsure:


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  • 1 month later...

Hi Dyllon,

Sorry for the delay in getting back to you.  The old version of AM appears on both the client view and the same version appears if i scan the machine in the Client Push Tool.  However, if i walk to the machines in question and look it shows the new version of AM.  The database version on the client view is updating and showing today's updates so it isn't that the client view isn't updating.

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