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Scheduled Custom Scans

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In the past I have scheduled Custom Scans to take place weekly without any problems. However, for the last 3 weeks or so, I have noticed that these weekly scans are not being run (I check the history and there is no mention of them having run). Did something change? I have already tried deleting the scan and then creating a new weekly scan only to find out that the problem continues. Was there an update that disabled this feature? Has anyone else encountered this problem and if so was a solution found?



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Hello Rick_L and :welcome:

Please begin here:

  1. Perform the following and reply if this corrects your issue: MBAM Clean Removal Process 2.x.
  2. Only if that does not correct the issue, then read the following and individually attach the 3 requested logs in a reply to this thread: Diagnostic Logs.
  3. The 3 files, from Step 2, to be individually attached from your desktop are: CheckResults.txt, FRST.txt and, Addition.txt.  Do not Copy and Paste them into a reply.

Please update the status of your issue in a reply to this thread.

Thank You.

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