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Hi all,

Not sure how much time I'll get to play with it an anger, but I'm trying to set up a malware research rig along the lines of this tutorial here:


I notice that it's quite old, which is a serious consideration in this game.

The first problem I have is that I cannot get JanusVM to run up at all in any way shape or form.  I tried setting up VMWare Player on my Linux installation, but every time I tried to launch JanusVM as per the instructions in that article, VMware Player just kept crashing out.  I finally found an error in the log, which simple said "Client error 11: exiting" (or words to that effect).

Googling this error showed that, whilst I could not find anybody reporting the error when trying to run JanusVM, it seemed to mean "System call failed" at which point I knew this was going to go nowhere.

So I tried again on Windows 10, and this time got this: "Error whiloe powering on: The virtual machine configuration may not be modified.  The virtual machine failed t start because the legacy configuration is no longer supported.  Upgrade the virtual machine or retry the operation on a compatible product."

Again, a show-stopping error.  JanusVM is very old now - like 2010 - and the only other thing I could find was TorVM which is even older (2008).

Does anybody have any ideas?



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