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As I found out, Malwarebytes does NOT STOP if you exit the program. It just keep scanning without caring what the user on PC need. I have a I4470k with 16gb ram and 3.8TB SSD and MBAM just eats away all the power I invested in. That is now OVER.


1) SCAN your Machine

2) disable scheduler and service

3) When you need it,  start MBAM and it will start scheduler and service itself. After that I disable it again in services.



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  • Root Admin

Hello @PJJ131

The paid and trial versions keep live protection modules running to protect your computer. Scanning after an attack isn't going to help it all your data gets encrypted.

Unless you're having some specific issue the program resources are pretty minimal for a fast new computer. While not actively scanning or updating the only real use of resources is the amount taken to run in memory. CPU and DISK are 0


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