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MB anti ransom detected nothing


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Hi, We tested your product in our test server after being hit by a ransom ware virus a couple of days ago.

The product says it is running and protection is on.


we ran the downloaded zip from the offending scam email and it proceeded to encrypt the test files we had on the machine and when it was complete windows defender detected it which was too late of course,but the malwarebytes had no idea it was running and gave no alerts and picked up zero in quarantine:(




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39 minutes ago, Sniper said:

Hi, We tested your product in our test server after being hit by a ransom ware virus a couple of days ago.

The product says it is running and protection is on.


we ran the downloaded zip from the offending scam email and it proceeded to encrypt the test files we had on the machine and when it was complete windows defender detected it which was too late of course,but the malwarebytes had no idea it was running and gave no alerts and picked up zero in quarantine:(




Ooops, this is a bad thing.  I was trying to find what this MBARansom does, how it works (like in a black box); this is bad news!!

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Hello Sniper and :welcome:

Does a possibility exist that you are not using Malwarebytes Anti-Ransomware for Business edition on your test server and that instead, you may have been using the Home/Consumer Beta8/development program version?  Also, that unique variant of ransomware, your test server encountered, may not be widely known yet.

I strongly recommend you browse to the Malwarebytes' File Detections sub-forum and carefully read the 2nd locked/pinned topic there, followed by a submission of the ransomware scam email for expert analysis.

Thank you for your interest in Malwarebytes' Anti-Ransomware offerings.

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