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Just recently started a business trial of the product. Got a dozen or so PC's connected that i am trying to remotely manage.

I have made an 'Installation package from within the program and manually installed this on the remote clients. My problem is that i cannot get the remote PC's to start scan from within the program, i send the command and nothing happens. A few of them are 'red' which may mean that they have run their weekly scan (i set up this in the policy), but it won't remove any PUPs. Removal has also been specified in the policy. Right clicking does not give an option to remove. 

Are there issues with MB or am i doing something wrong? if the trial goes well would be looking to install on 400+ machines, so a significant investment. I won't pay unless i am sure and happy with its limitations.  

I had issues trying to push the client out - still do, Q for another day, wanted to avoid SCCM, but....

 Thanks for all replies. 


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Same problem here sort of, its not that the scan does start it just takes a long time to start, yesterday it was around 3 hours, today its nearly an hour.

To Mbytes support: Are these requests stored in a queue in SQL? If there was a resource problem with SQL would that have any consequences? 

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  • Root Admin

Hello @myopic and :welcome:

Please take a moment to read the MBMC Administrator Guide and ensure that your servers and client desktops meet the hardware requirements and that the appropriate ports are open on any firewalls.

Malwarebytes Management Console Administrator Guide

Managing Malwarebytes in Large Networks Best Practices Guide

Malwarebytes User Guides

Review the Event Logs on both the Server and the desktop client which may provide further details on any issues or errors.

If that does not lead to a resolution of your issue then please contact Malwarebytes Business Technical Support for further assistance.

Thank you



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