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I have been attacked by ransomware that redirects me to a website with the title Hades locker

All data files on the computer have an added extension  


 kapelstraat 20.pdf


kapelstraat 20.pdf.-HLKEQGK

I found it seems to be an update of wildfire ransomware.

There are readme files that open at PC reboot in the browser and on notepad that schow the same message.

How can I get rid of this?

My backups are too old. I was counting on bittorrent-sync as backup but it failed in its job.

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  • Root Admin

Hello @gdieltje and :welcome:

Unfortunately, there is no way aside from paying to get your files back at this time. You can set the hard drive aside in hopes that at some time in the future it is possible, but currently not available.



It is possible to clean up the computer but my own personal recommendation would be to FDISK, FORMAT, and reinstall Windows. If you'd rather look at cleaning it up (not my recommendation) then let me know and we can scan and clean up the computer.

Thank you



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