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What annoying this is! MAM scans and found +400 PUP but these comes from three programs that I know and there is nothing wrong with it but that is not the problem. The problem is that I not found any option where I can exclude this +400 with one click so that they not popup the next time. Where are the options to exclude/ignore once? This is not  wise to not include these options. It make MAM more annoying then the opposite because this is not practical and why these programs are showing up as PUP's where I have checked these progs with VirusTotal and there is nothing wrong with it.

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Hello and Welcome @KeZa

Sorry your having issues excluding your items.  If you are absolutely sure you want to exclude all those items here is what you do.

1. First perform a scan so that all the items get detected
2. Once the scan is complete and items have been detected that you want to exclude, uncheck the box labeled Threats as shown in the picture below with the RED ARROW
found threats.jpg
3. That will then uncheck all items at one time as shown below
found threats unchecked.jpg
4. Now click on NEXT and you will be asked what you want to do with the detected items, choose Ignore Always
always ignore.jpg
5. Now all those items will be added to your ignore list and will no longer be detected

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