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my computer has been shutting down without warning or anything for a while, so I decided to check for malware etc. After downloading and installing your progam I try to start it. However, the only thing that happens is the malwarebytes-notification appearing on the taskbar for some seconds with an exclamation-mark on it.

So I tried to run via the chamaeleon. It seems to encounter problems. It starts the program but fails to update, then proceeds to scan, saying "mabm-killer scan is complete" but in the end it says that it was unable to start the scan.

Hope you can help




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  • Root Admin

Hello @Jesper and :welcome:

I've looked at the logs and you have some very minor PUP entries and our program is certainly not running right but I'm not seeing anything to account for the computer shutting down on it's own.

Is the computer possibly overheating?

How often does it shut down?

Does it do a normal shut down or just seem to lose power?

Try the following to see if you can get MBAM working correctly.

Please uninstall your current version of MBAM and reinstall the latest version using the following guide. MBAM Clean Removal Process 2x



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thanks for the quick reply.

It is a possibility of course that the problems I have are caused by my hardware.

I don't believe my computer is overheating, though. I has been shutting down shortly (maybe 10 minutes) after booting and me doing nothing that would require any hard use of components. I've been monitoring the CPU temperature, which doesn't go up very much. I've cleaned the computer and checked the cables for loose contacts.

It shuts down rather randomly, sometimes after hours of running without problems, sometimes shortly after booting.

It doesn't shut down normally, it just loses power, as if I had pulled the plug.

I also once was unable to do a normal shutdown, screen going dark for a second and then back to the desktop again. I could shut it down after a reboot.

I know this seems to be a hardware-related issue, but I'd still like to check for malware.


I un- and reinstalled the latest version according to the link you posted. My problem persists:

When I try to run the program, only the notification in the taskbar appears. I also noticed that the notification seems to disappear whenever I put my mouse cursor over it.

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The user in this thread seems to have the same problem as I have. He was able to run the program from time to time. So I decided to try running it a couple of times. After about ten tries I got it to run. Made the updates and a scan.

The PUP entries you mentioned came up (8 entries, related to 'Funmoods'). I cleared them. Reboot. After another ten tries, the program started again, this time no threats came up.

I guess I'll have to really look for hardware problems :-(

Thank you for your help anyway and maybe this helped to become aware of some issue with your program

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  • Root Admin
On 11/5/2016 at 10:18 AM, Jesper said:


my computer has been shutting down without warning or anything for a while, so I decided to check for malware etc. After downloading and installing your progam I try to start it.


The other account you linked to is not the same issue. That one is an encryption conflict which is due to a proprietary encryption. You said you were having this shutdown issue long before you ever tried our software so not sure why or where you believe there is a conflict. Are you running some type of encryption software on your system?


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  • Root Admin

Yes, that too is using a proprietary encryption service on your files and is probably in conflict with our program. If you fully disable it I'm sure our program will work just fine, but probably not while it's running would be my guess. I'll report it to our development team though.

Thank you


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