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Hello and Welcome!

What version are you running, if you only have a few selected programs is sounds like you are running the free version, the Premium has about 32 programs that are shielded.

To prevent getting infected by ransomware, you have to have layered security, and you also have to be aware of what your doing on your computer.

MBAE Premium has the ability to create your own custom shields, therefore you can protect other programs you specify. 

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15 hours ago, Firefox said:

Hello and Welcome!

What version are you running, if you only have a few selected programs is sounds like you are running the free version, the Premium has about 32 programs that are shielded.

To prevent getting infected by ransomware, you have to have layered security, and you also have to be aware of what your doing on your computer.

MBAE Premium has the ability to create your own custom shields, therefore you can protect other programs you specify. 

i paid for it and put in the serial number etc

that said maybe the code is buggy

on my wifes pc it keeps saying to install it 

the license said good for 3 pcs

so i am not sure if it is really running or not

sometimes mbae says it is doing something

but not sure it is protecting more than word which is what we mostly use and see the message when we start it


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