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Users are reporting that Malwarebytes Anti-Ransomware prevents installation of the latest update of our app, Pinegrow Web Editor, with the message that it contains ransomeware. That's a false positive of course.

The installation package for Windows is here: http://pinegrow.s3.amazonaws.com/PinegrowWinSetup.2.95.exe

Thanks for promptly dealing with this issue.

Matjaz, author of Pinegrow Web Editor

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Hello mattront and :welcome:

What is needed from your users running MBARW Beta8, is a .zip archive of the executable that MBARW Beta triggered on, as well as MBARW Beta's archived logs for due diligence cross checking.

Please carefully read the locked and pinned topic in this sub-forum, How to report a False Positive and for developer analysis, kindly attach the 2 requested .zip archives to your next reply in this thread.

If an exclusion has not already been entered, a temporary exclusion entry might then be made available to prevent a re-occurrence for your individual system.

Thank you.

Edited by 1PW
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Hi 1PW,

thanks for your response.

I'm not using your software and don't have time to install and beta-test it. Plus, I'm on Mac.

The problem is that your system is preventing our users from installing and using a legitimate update of our software application. I would expect that you would preform the necessary steps to debug and correct the behaviour of your product.

All the best, Matjaz

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Hello mattront:

If one of those users, experiencing the false positive, would like to append this topic with the archives needed to accurately white list the unknown executable, the MBARW developer team could react sooner and with the highest degree of confidence and accuracy.

In the interim, your users could make a MBARW Beta folder exclusion relating to the installed pathname of your Web Editor product:

Reference: Malwarebytes Anti-Ransomware Administrator Guide -> Page 7 -> Exclusions -> Add Folder

I too am currently using a MacBook Pro.  Thank you mattront for your patience and understanding.

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Hello mattront:

Available data does suggest a false positive, and if it has not already been done, you may wish to have your users make the following modified full pathname file entry in their MBARW GUI Dashboard -> Exclusions:

                                         C:\Program Files (x86)\Pinegrow Web Designer\PinegrowWebDesigner.exe

Reference: https://www.virustotal.com/file/163f20ce4b6ec47d84708e3a20bf821ecbaec602694e305e90ac0988157b0285/analysis/1477772892/ Unsigned

At any time, a MBARW development team member, QA team member or Staffer may request the above temporary exclusion be altered/deleted.

Please thank your product users for beta testing MBARW and their valued feedback.

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