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The 'update your firefox with this file' has popped up twice in the last two months.  Both times I canceled and closed the tab but the file did find its way into my download folder.  I deleted it from there.  I have scanned with Malwarebytes program and Symantec's Norton Antivirus.  At the suggestion of Firefox users, I also did the following scans:

All scans have been clean but I am not feeling very secure after reading about this "firefox-patch.js" on this forum and I am wondering if I need to do something more?
I have had this file download on this computer and my husband's as well.
Any help would be appreciated.  Thanks
Lenovo Thinkpad
Win 7 64 bit Professional
Win 7 64 bit Home Edison
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Thank you "TwinHeadedEagle"

I am assuming that both computers were clean as you just said your computer-  singular.

I did find in my download folder another firefox-patch file saying it was a js script file  but I just right clicked and deleted.


Thank you for your time and help.  I donated using Pay Pal.

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