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Hello, a couple days ago my paid subscription of Malwarebytes quarantined my USTechSupport program. I've subscribed to both for years and they've never had a problem with each other until now. I did a search on the forums to see if this has happened to anyone else and apparently the administrator of USTechSupport site complained on here that they were blacklisted. This happened last year I believe. It seems that problem was fixed and they were no longer blacklisted. I don't know what to do. I don't want to delete any of the PUPs (there are numerous, all from USTechSupport) but I also don't want to restore it if there is a problem. I don't know enough about any of these subjects. I know there was a DOS attack a couple days ago as reported by you guys and all over the news. I don't know if this is related or not. I'd appreciate any help I can get. I don't even know if this is the right forum to post in as I don't understand enough to find the correct category so I chose this "catch all" forum.

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Thanks for moving my topic to the correct category. Now if I could just get some help. I know everyone's probably busy but someone has to know why suddenly USTechSupport is getting quarantined. And a separate question to anyone who may know the answer: can these pc cleaner companies be trusted? Are they just cleaning my pc or is there a privacy invasion risk factor that comes with the package?

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