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As the topic says, even though I set the system audio in the mixer to minimum, when malwarebytes starts it makes full volume sound. Even though it is still set to low in mixer. Further more, for everything else the system notification audio works as it suppose to accordingly with the mixer set up...

I had the problem previously and right after malwarebytes starts with a loud audio, when I checked the system audio level in mixer was always back to 100%. I found some setting by adjusting it I managed to kept the volume level fixed at my setting and solved the problem a day! Now the mixer stays and behaves as I control it except  malwarebytes! 

This is very disturbing for me having this problem as a composer.. Please help..


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When you right click on a file to scan with  Malwarebytes, the system account control warns and asks for confirmation, that's the sound. Hence the system warning sound!

But like I said this happens only (sos far) with Malwarebytes.

Also so an update, the system volume level in the mixer resets back to 100%...

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Hello and Welcome @cemster

Malwarebytes does not have any startup sounds of any sort as already mentioned.  The prompt you are getting is a Windows function probably because you are running in a standard account if I had to guess.  Are you logged in as an admin or as a standard user?

We would need more info on the system....

Please read the following and in your next reply ATTACH the 3 requested logs - Diagnostic Logs
(the three files should be CheckResults.txt, FRST.txt and Addition.txt)

Thank You,


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Thank you KenW, for those words of wisdom.. 

And as far as Malwarebytes not having any sound that's trues as I mention in this line, above: "the system account control warns and asks for confirmation, that's the sound!

But as an update I thought this was only happening with Malwarebytes, but I was wrong, Any time system asks for conformation for any third party applications, the volume is being overwritten to 100%.. So this is not your problem...

But thank you anyways...



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