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I also ran into the same problem of a BSOD at 75% during the upgrade process. Upon reading some of the reports of this error by other users I uninstalled MBAM. This allowed me to complete the upgrade process. After the upgrade I reinstalled MBAM and entered my license key (scan for rootkits was checked previously, so the new install caused another BSOD, so I uninstalled again and ran through the clean process), . After the new install and activation I reopened the program and everything appeared to be working fine. Upon clicking 'update' (in MBAM) my PC immediately BSOD'd again. I've attached the diagnostic files.




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I was doing some casual reading today about the Windows Insider Preview builds today.
Looking at MS Windows Blog article announcements about Preview build 14946
I would call attention to this line in the section titled "Known issues for PC"


If you have 3rd party antivirus products such as Bitdefender, Kaspersky Antivirus, F-Secure Antivirus and Malwarebytes installed on your PC – your PC might not be able to complete the update to this build and roll-back to the previous build.

All builds 149xx  ( or later) are test previews.  Y M M V as the saying goes.  Your mileage may vary.
My recommendation is to see if you can revert back to an earlier build version.
Otherwise, revert back to a current release from the Current Branch.  The current one is version 1607 Build 14393.321

imho, that notation from MS means that that build is not ready for prime time.  It is also not a "release" but a test "preview".  The note means that MS is aware of the issue.
Wait for a fixed version before going back to these preview builds.
There are lots of others having issues with the last sets of preview builds, including at least 2 other preceding this one.  That also includes BSOD issues like yours here.

Edited by Maurice Naggar
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I appreciate the reply and I am aware of all of the factors you stated. I have another antivirus/antispyware/antimalware program which seems to be working normally with the latest build and have decided to stay on the fast ring for now (plus I've been using PCs and the internet for nearly 3 decades, so I have significant knowledge on how to avoid infections), hopefully they will push out a fix in the next build (though I'm on 14946 now and it is still having a conflict). I mostly just wanted to post this info because I noticed in many of the other threads for build 14942 people were not submitting the requested diagnostic files, I've also submitted similar information to MS as I feel it's always good for both ends of a conflict to be aware and informed. I've been on the insider ring since one of the earliest builds, it was a requirement for me to stay on the insider builds to keep my upgrade, and I like to beta test things and contribute to the functioning and advancement of programs anyway, so I've just stayed on the fast ring since.

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No worries.  Just so you know, I too have been on pc's and their pre-decessors ( mini-computers) for longer than I care to admit.  :)
I am a Windows Insider too, but consciously elected to not get the early Redstone 2 test  builds   ( expecting the early ones to be buggy).
My one suggestion I have is this, for when a new build is pushed out:
Prior to restarting the machine, to set all real-time protections of MBAM to off ( not start with windows) and to fully EXIT out of real-time by right click on mbam-icon on taskbar and EXIT.
Likewise, if using a 3rd-party antivirus ( non-MS) to disable that prior to the restart-for-upgrade.
Those steps may help alleviate the friction before and during the upgrade-installation.

As to post-installation, I believe that there are still some friction.  I would point to what Corrine has reported


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