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Greetings Anne :) 

If you believe that your issue is not related to an infection and you've already scanned with your antivirus as well as Malwarebytes and both report that your PC is clean then please follow the instructions in this post if you've not done so already to see if that helps any.

If the issues persist then please do the following and we can try to help you tune up your machine and get it running like new again.  To start off we'll need a few log files that will show us what's going on with the machine, including what programs and background processes and services launch each time you start up your machine.  Hopefully, if there is any malware (i.e. infections) present on the machine, we'll be able to identify it and will then send you along to the malware removal area as recommended by David H. Lipman above so that you may work one-on-one with a malware removal expert to remove any threats from the PC, then we'll proceed to tune up the machine to make it run fast again, assuming any performance issues remain once any hypothetical malware infections have been removed.

List Services:

  • Please copy and paste the following text exactly as written into notepad (not wordpad or any other text editor):


@echo off
md "%userprofile%\desktop\Startup Logs"
net start>"%userprofile%\desktop\Startup Logs\Services.txt"
sc query type= service state= all>>"%userprofile%\desktop\Startup Logs\Services.txt"
del /f /q %0

Once you've done that click on File and select Save As...

  • In the Save dialogue box click on the drop down menu next to Save as type and select All Files
  • Name the file ServInfo.bat(the .bat extension is very important)
  • Save the file to your desktop and double click it to run it.
  • Once the scan completes you should have a new folder located on your desktop called Startup Logs, please leave this new folder where it is for now and proceed with the instructions below to use Autoruns.

Create an Autoruns Log:

  • Please download Sysinternals Autoruns from here and save it to your desktop.
  • Note: If using Windows VistaWindows 7, Windows 8/8.1 or Windows 10 then you also need to do the following:


  1. Right-click on Autoruns.exe and select Properties
  2. Click on the Compatibility tab
  3. Under Privilege Level check the box next to Run this program as an administrator
  4. Click on Apply then click OK


  • Double-click Autoruns.exe to run it and click Yes or OK if prompted by User Account Control.
  • Once it starts, please press the Esc key on your keyboard.
  • Now that scanning is stopped, click on the Options button at the top of the program and verify that the following are checked, if they are unchecked, check them:
  • Hide empty locations
  • Hide Windows entries
  • Click on the Options button at the top of the program and select Scan Options... then in the Autoruns Scan Options dialog enable/check the following two options:
  • Verify code signatures
  • Check VirusTotal.com
  • Once that's done click the Rescan button at the bottom of the Autoruns Scan Options dialog and this will start the scan again, this time let it finish.
  • When it's finished and says Ready. on the lower left of the program window, please click on the File button at the top of the program and select Save and save the file inside the Startup Logs folder on your desktop and close Autoruns.
  • Right click on the Startup Logs folder on your desktop and hover your mouse over Send To and select Compressed (zipped) Folder
  • Attach the ZIP folder you just created to your next reply

Once that's done you may delete the Startup Logs folder from your desktop if you wish.

Edited by exile360
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