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I have the problem of no server access.  I have and am checking everything I can think of.  But this is a home computer with Windows 10 and I don't know anything about Group Policy.  I also don't understand what sounds like your fix.  Could you or others advise.  Is it possible the server is not responding?

New here - thanks!


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6 hours ago, BSK said:

I have the problem of no server access.  I have and am checking everything I can think of.  But this is a home computer with Windows 10 and I don't know anything about Group Policy.  I also don't understand what sounds like your fix.  Could you or others advise.  Is it possible the server is not responding?

New here - thanks!


Hello and Welcome @BSK

Every computer is different so one fix for one computer may not work on yours, in order to help you better please provide us with the logs requested below:

We would need more info on the system....

Please read the following and in your next reply ATTACH the 3 requested logs - Diagnostic Logs
(the three files should be CheckResults.txt, FRST.txt and Addition.txt)

Thank You,


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I stumbled over this fix for Malwarebytes while I was trying to fix a Windows 10 problem. Microsoft tries to use your computer by default to distribute their software. I would guess that saves money on access fees. What I had happen was that 4 nights in a row i was virtually blocke from internet access by  heavy downloads lasting 20-30 minutes. My usage file at my ISP said I was getting anywhere from 2 to 6 Gbytes in these downloads and there was no record of files being loaded.  I could see the IP addresses responsible in the Resource Monitor.  3 were Microsoft Azure and the 4th was from a private Internet service company. This had to be from the Delivery Optimization function that Microsoft loads on all Windows 10 installations.This happened after the Anniversary update. There were two updates after that dated Sept 16 and Sept 30.  I had to go to the Restore Point for Sept 16 to get control back for my touchpad but that didn't stop the downloads.  The basic instructions that come with Win 10 say go to the Settings and turn the Optimization off there.  I had already done that but I still had the downloads that started after the update.  After flogging my way through a bunch of internet pages I came up with the instructions for turning this  off in the Local Group Policy. The fix for Malwarebytes that happened was plain serendipity. I haven't a clue why that happened.

I am very much an amateur and I just bash my way through help pages on the net until I find how to do things, solving one problem at a time, so I'm not going to try to walk you through this one. If you don't find something from the forum, find a friend or a friendly tech that can do this.  If they know what they are doing it will only take a few minutes.  I also have no idea if this will work for you, but it could be worth a try.  At the very least it will put paid to any problems with Optimization. This version of Windows is an unpredictable mess. I have had more problems with it in the last few weeks than in all my experience with Windows since version 3.1 put together.

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