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What are the prerequisites for PCs (Windows 10) to become discoverable by the Management Console? I've got NETBIOS enabled, restarted the machine and WMI is running.


It finds some PCs but doesn't find others, all machines have ESET Smart Security installed if that matters.

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Hello Dwardin,

If you can ping the server from the client and vice versa, then it could be a couple of things. 

When you click on the scan button in the client push install tab, there is an option for scan and detect client software. Choose that option. At the bottom, you should also notice that there is two check-boxes. They are wmi and serial IP connection. What I want to have you do is preform 3 tests. 1 test will comprise of you checking both of those options while the others will be of you doing each option checked by themselves. WMI makes it so we will use the system account to detect the client and any software installed. While serial IP is another way of scanning the netbios. 

Let me know if after trying those things that it does not work for you. 

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