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The latest beta installed last night crashed all my Chrome extensions and blocked them from reloading. I uninstalled and reinstalled Chrome three times with no change until a Google search using Firefox pointed to the new beta update. I uninstalled MBARW, reinstalled Chrome and all is well. I will not use this again until a stable release.

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Hello DrGlide and :welcome:

Since this is the first report of such an issue, it would be quite valuable to the MBARW developers if you would search the system in question for the following directories even though an uninstall was undertaken:

Using only the native Windows built-in zip utility, please create the following .zip archive files for MBARW developer team analysis:

                              "%ProgramData%\Malwarebytes\Malwarebytes Anti-Ransomware\"

Please attach the archives to your next reply.  Thank you for your beta testing contribution to the Malwarebytes Anti-Ransomware (MBARW Beta) project and your valued feedback.

Edited by 1PW
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