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Over the last few weeks I have been getting a BSOD when ever Malicious Website Protection is enabled. I had it disabled for a little over two weeks and had no BSOD. I re-enabled it 2 days ago and this morning the machine rebooted immediately after starting up. There was another BSOD after the second start up. There was a Windows 10 update in progress at the time, so I disabled the Malicious Website Protection to allow the update to complete. So far the machine is running fine with Malicious Website Protection disabled. I'm attaching the mindump files produced this morning. In all cases the error message is BAD_POOL_HEADER.



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  • Root Admin

There are other updates to your Windows 10 system it looks like. Please type in UPDATE in your search and then manually have Windows check for updates and install them and reboot if found.

Then please do a clean removal and reinstall of MBAM and let me know if that corrects the issue or not.

Please uninstall your current version of MBAM and reinstall the latest version using the following guide. MBAM Clean Removal Process 2x



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  • Root Admin

It looks like this issue is reproducible by the QA and Development Teams. They're looking into the issue which appears to be happening now after the big Windows 10 release.

At this time you will need to disable the Root Kit scan in the settings. Then a normal threat scan should run again.

Please set that and try and let me know.

Thank you




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I unchecked the "Scan for RootKits" setting on the machine having the problem. My laptop which also has the same version of MalwareBytes has never had a BSOD related to MalwareBytes. I never checked the RootKit scan box on the laptop. I'll report back if I see any more BSODs' on the Desktop machine. Both machine have the Win 10 Anniversary Update installed.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...
  • Root Admin

The previous logs do not seem to indicate you're running the Windows 10 Preview Builds which are known to have some BSOD issues and Microsoft is aware of the issue as it affects most security software on those Preview Builds. 

Please follow the directions here and post back your results.

How to Find Out Which Build and Version of Windows 10 You Have




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