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Hello JabbaLeChat,

Sorry someone has not replied back to you sooner, it appears you had posted your question in the wrong forum (Mobile).  I have moved your post to our False Positive forum.  If the software is still being detected, Please follow the instructions I have outlined below, or from the link. Once recieved, we will be able to resolve this for you as soon as possible.  


Before reporting a false positive, you need to save the log. This will allow us to figure out how the false positive came to be. Simply follow these directions.


MBAM 1.* instructions for the log:


  • Click the Start Menu.
  • Click Run.
  • Type in "mbam.exe /developer", without the quotes.
  • Run the same type of scan you did before and save the logfile and post it.

MBAM 2.* instructions for the log:


  1. Open the History tab.
  2. Click Application Logs.
  3. Select the latest Scan Log.
  4. Click the view button in order to review if this is the correct log with the detection listed.
  5. Click the export button below and select to export as *.txt file


Attach the scan log with your post.

Additionally, please also attach the detected file with your post.

Make sure it is in ZIP or RAR format.

How to restore a file from Quarantine:

If you suspect an object of being a false positive but it has already been quarantined, you may need to restore the object from quarantine in order to provide it to the Research team for analysis.

  • Open Malwarebytes Anti-Malware and access the Quarantine tab
  • Click once on the object you wish to restore in order to select it
  • Click on the Restore button and the object will be removed from quarantine and put back into its original location where it was first detected by Malwarebytes Anti-Malware


Perry Bonnell

Edited by perryb
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