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It looks like you've released BOTH a new "stable" version , as well as a new beta version, today (2 August).   I had assumed the 1.08 series was "done", and was figuring you'd release 1.09.x as soon as you considered it stable.

So why the DOUBLE release today?   That can be very confusing for those testing your program:   should we test the new "stable", or the new "beta"???

Edited by ky331
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Hello Ky331,

The double release on that date was because we re-created the build using counter-signed digital certificates from Microsoft in order to work with the new anniversary update they just put out.  That version of 1.08 has the same features and fixes as the prior build, but just with that counter-signed certificate.

The 1.09 build will be going through more builds of public beta testing. So if you want to test the new builds and give any feedback you can download the latest versions from this area in the forum:



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